Dog Bites and Bite Prevention

Dog bites can be serious. In the United States, every year, about 800,000 people require medical treatment after a dog bite. The vast majority of dog bites occur on the owner’s property. In fact, the Insurance Institute estimates that up to one-third of homeowners’ liability claims are for dog attacks.
County Animal Services investigates more than 6,000 dog bites or attacks every year.
More information on Dangerous Dogs designations, quarantines and owner's rights. Or, to download a PDF brochure about this process, click here »
If You Have Been Bitten:
- Report the Incident
- Contact us with Animal and Owner Information
- Give Detailed Description of Animal(s) or Send Photos
- Provide Owner Information – Name, Address, Phone
- Provide Witness Information
- If Owner Unknown – Vehicle Description, License Number
- Provide Description of Individual(s) Responsible for the Animal
- Provide Exact Location and Time of Incident
- Give Brief Description of the Incident
- Contact your Physician
- Download Hospital Bite Report here
If you see an animal bite or attack someone, or seriously harass people, please contact us:
24/7 Emergency Line

: Stories

How To Prevent Your Dog from Biting
- Make sure your dog is kept in a securely fenced, locked enclosure.
- Do not keep your dog on a chain.
- Control your dog with a hand-held leash whenever it is away from home.
- Spay or neuter your dog. This will reduce your dog’s desire to roam. Unaltered dogs are up to three times more likely to bite than dogs that have been spayed or neutered.
- Properly train and socialize your dog.
- Don’t play aggressive games like wrestling, tug-of-war, or play-bite with your dog.
- Be cautious when your dog is in a new situation.
- Never leave your dog unattended with a small child.
- Ensure your dog is vaccinated against rabies and is properly licensed.
Safety Tips To Avoid Being Bitten
- Never approach an unfamiliar dog.
- Never run from a dog and scream.
- Remain motionless when approached by an unfamiliar dog.
- Never touch a dog that is behind a fence or in a vehicle.
- If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and lie still.
- Never permit a child to play with a dog without adult supervision.
- Avoid direct eye contact with a dog.
- Do not disturb a dog that is sleeping, eating or caring for puppies.
- Do not pet a dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first.
If you've been bitten, we may need to see your medical records as part of our investigation. To allow us that access, please fill in this form: Authorization To Release Medical Records