Safety Tips For Every Season : Summer

It’s Hot For Your Pets, Too!
Never leave your pet unattended in a parked car, not even for a few minutes!
Living in San Diego County, we know how hot our cars get during the summer. Imagine what an animal goes through if we leave it there. Even with a window open, the inside of our cars can reach 120 degrees in a matter of minutes. It doesn’t take long before your pet can suffer brain damage, heatstroke or suffocation and death.
Be alert to the signs of heat stress, which, in dogs, includes panting and excessive drooling. If your pet has become overheated you must take the following steps immediately:
- Move your pet into the shade and apply cool, not cold, water all over its body to gradually lower its body temperature.
- Apply ice packs or cold towels only to your pet’s head, neck and chest.
- Let your pet drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes.
- Take your pet directly to a veterinarian; it could save your pet’s life.
The law permits you to remove an animal from a vehicle if you believe the animal’s safety is in immediate danger due to heat; cold; lack of adequate ventilation, food or water; or other circumstances that could reasonably be expected to cause suffering, disability or death.
If you are faced with this situation, we recommend that you call our emergency line 619-236-2341 or call 911 for more detailed information.
How Your Pets Can Keep Cool In The Summer
- Keep your pets indoors when the temperatures soar.
- Keep your pets’ drinking water in a tip-proof container, always topped off, and be sure it stays cool. (Pets will not drink water that is too hot.)
- Consider a misting system to keep your outdoor areas cooler.
- Be sure your pet has shade ALL DAY. Remember the sun’s position moves throughout the day.
- If you exercise with your dog, do so only in the early morning when the temperature is lower. Sometimes it is better to leave your dog at home.
- Don’t take your dogs for walks on the hot pavement. If it is too hot for you to walk barefooted, then don’t make your dogs do it either.
- Consider adding a children’s wading pool for your dog. Many dogs will enjoy playing in it and they can keep cool that way.
- Indoor cats live longer. Consider keeping your cat inside.

: Stories

Fireworks And The Fourth Of July
July 5 is the busiest day of the year at animal shelters. Every year many dogs are found miles from their homes, confused, disoriented and exhausted. Then shelter phone lines are jammed as people call hoping to locate their dog that crashed through a window, jumped a high fence or broke its leash. Don’t let this happen to your family:
- Make sure your dog is wearing a tag with your phone number on it and its license tag.
- Make your yard secure. Dogs dig, jump and find creative ways to get out if they are determined.
- If fireworks upset your dog, make sure someone stays with it.
- Keep your dog inside, safer from loud outdoor noises.
- You may want to talk to your veterinarian about tranquilizing your dog.
- Work with an animal behaviorist well in advance of July 4 to learn how to help your dog stay calm.

: Stories